Dental veneers

What Is the Difference Between Porcelain & Composite Veneers

Dental veneers Veneers are a great solution for those looking to improve their smile through the use of artificially created “teeth”. Dental veneers are a corrective procedure that involves composite or porcelain teeth “covers” that are attached to the front of your teeth to create an amazing smile. These veneers are typically done in sets or for your entire smile it really just depends on the goals you have in mind for your smile. Below we will discuss each type and what the overall benefits are to each. Continue reading to find out more.

Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain veneers tend to be the more common choice when it comes to getting this dental correction method done. The reason for this being is that they are a permanent solution that lasts vastly longer on average than composite veneers. But with that being said, it is a commitment to get this style of veneer as your teeth have to be filed down to shape so that the veneers adhere correctly. Meaning the veneers can come off later in life if you would like, but your teeth will be permanently altered. With that being said, porcelain veneers can last for fifteen years plus, and even longer with proper care. And if one tooth were to chip or become damaged it could be replaced.

Composite Veneers

Composite veneers are a great corrective option for gaps in the teeth or a potentially fractured tooth. This method of veneers goes around the tooth structure as is and does not require filing down. However, it is made of a resin material which is not as durable as porcelain. Meaning these typically have to be replaced every four to eight years, though they do come with a cheaper price point up front. Furthermore, repairs can be made directly to an area through the application of more resin, rather than waiting for a new porcelain veneer to be created in a lab prior to being replaced.

Which Is Right for You?

Both veneer options come with their open benefits and ideal tooth correction purposes. The only way to really say for certain which is best for you is by having a consultation with us here at Carolina Dental Care in Loris, SC. You can give us a call to schedule your appointment at 843-756-2273. We’ll talk about your goals and finances, and which option we feel will give you the best results.


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